About Me
- Working for Solid Solutions Ireland as an Application Engineer looking after SolidWorks CAD Software.
- Interests in: CAD, IT & Systems Administration, Web Design and development, Programming, Education.
- Hobbies include: Making Go-Karts, Engineering, Building PCs, Server Management, Photography.
- Member of Skynet Computer Society, and the Admin Team.
Select Portfolio

- Website designed and developed for the 1st Skynet Conference, " Skycon".
- Features: Static Website coded using PHP, XHTML.
- Custom template system & design.
- Contained: Photo Gallery, Speaker Bios, Timetable, Google Maps.
Recent Blog Entry
Build & Manage Websites with Dreamweaver Templates
How do you handle common elements of a webpage across a number of pages? (e.g. Navigation, Header, Footer areas etc) How do you update the header or footer area of every webpage in a website?
- PHP Includes
- SSI Includes
- Manually with Copy and Paste
- Use Dreamweavers Template Functionality