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sburke.eu : Stephen Burke's Portfolio of Projects

Below is some of the websites and designs completed. Feel free to contact me if you would like my input on your Website design or if you would like me to (re)develop your site.

Wheeler Auctioneers

Wheeler Auctioneers website screenshot

Key Features:

  • Custom design with sortable property listings for different categories.
  • Fully editable database driven website with Administrator Login.
  • Photo Upload and Management.
  • Contact and custom search forms.

SkyCon Website

SkyCon Website Screenshot

Key Features:

  • Static Website coded using PHP and XHTML.
  • Custom design & template system.
  • Contained: Photo Gallery, Speaker Bios, Timetable, Google Maps.
  • Online Credit Card transactions using Blacknight.ie


Softwater Website Screenshot

Key Features:

  • Complete overhaul of old website with a new design focusing on SEO.
  • Embedded Flash Videos with custom FLV creation.
  • Wordpress blog section for posting news and new content.
  • Custom design with a static main website and google maps.


Weddingbliss Website Screenshot

Key Features:

  • Custom design with javascript page transitions.
  • Lightbox for showing images and flash videos.
  • FLV creation, encoding, and custom javascript flv player.
  • Static content with PHP contact form.

NGCUV 2008 Conference

NGCUV Website Screenshot

Key Features:

  • Custom design of static website using material from brochures.
  • Online PDF Paper submission including Administrator backend.
  • Accept / Reject Paper submissions online using Administrator login.
  • Administrator authentication using University ldaps mail server.

FAIM 2006 Conference

FAIM Conference Website Screenshot

Key Features:

  • XHTML & CSS static website, with collapsible javascript navigation.
  • Online PDF Paper submission including Administrator backend.
  • Accept / Reject Paper submissions online using Administrator login.
  • Export author, abstract and paper details to Excel with full backups.


Barefield design proposal

Key Features:

  • Initial custom design proposal.
  • Use of Adobe Fireworks to slice images and layout design.
  • Work with custom fonts to match company brochure.

Skynet Design

Skynet initial design image.

Key Features:

  • Helped out with initial design and layout.
  • Created initial XHTML & CSS with cross browser testing.


Anythingineed website screenshot

Key Features:

  • Complete design and backend coding for a Web Directory.
  • Administrator login to add categories, sub-categories and listings.
  • Flash development of an interactive map of Ireland to narrow search.
  • Design and layout for banners and other advertisements.

Environmental Website

Environmental Website Screenshot

Key Features:

  • Custom design and layout with XHTML & CSS.
  • Development of custom Content Management System & login.
  • Full CRUD ability with customisable navigation & reordering.
  • Administrator login tracking and website traffic statistics.

Sustainability Portal

Sustainability Portal Website Images

Key Features:

  • Design and development of a multi-company management portal.
  • Document management system with javascript document editor.
  • Company administrator login for user and project management.
  • CRUD for multiple areas including news, company policies.

This section shows some of the other areas where I have carried out some work. If you would like any information, feel free to drop me an email.

SolidWorks Modeling of Gates

Renderings of a Hinge and Cantilever Gate done in SolidWorks

Hinge Gate and Building Rendering Cantilever Gate modeled in SolidWorks

Kart Plans Modeled in SolidWorks

Examples of 2D Drawings created from various Karts.

Images of a Brake and Sprocket carrier for a Go-kart CAD images of wooden go-kart.